I Am Finally A Piece of Wood

I am Finally a Piece of Wood is a collection of self-portrait poems by the students of the Academy for Young Writers. Each poem cycles through the sharp, creative, sensitive, and inventive thoughts and moods, schemes and dreams, and hopes and wishes, of the 7th- and 8th-grade mind. They dive into the fear of not being known, the joy of having best friends, the rewards of being in a family, the commotion of getting involved with drama, the exhaustion of blocking out the haters, the complexity of somehow being a part of history, and the delight of coming home to your hamster at the end of the day. I am Finally a Piece of Wood is a collection of young writers saying exactly who they are.

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The cover to I am Finally a Piece of Wood, an 826NYC student publication written by the young writers at the Academy for Young Writers