On Saturday, January 9th, young writers from across New York City came together in 826NYC’s secret library for the launch of the 826NYC Review, Issue No. 6. Every year 826NYC publishes a collection of some of the best student work from our After-School Tutoring and Writing programs, Workshops, Field Trips, In-Schools programs, and from students throughout the five boroughs who submitted their work to be considered for publication in the Review.
With over 70 works from more than 50 young and creative minds, the 826NYC Review offers a unique glimpse of New York City and showcases the words of young writers between the ages of 7 and 18. You can find moving and funny poems about cleanliness and love, a scary story guaranteed to give you the shivers, eerie zombie survival guides, super robot cats, a fascinating and hysterical memoir about being boring, a story about using office supplies to prove one’s love, and much, much more.
Here’s an excerpt written during After School Tutoring and Writing:
Understand the Understood Right
By Chaasadahyah J., Age 16
the bright light that blinds you as you walk
down the block of nowhere, don’t know where you are,
don’t know where you stand, don’t know how you
got there. but the one question is, am i alone
in this place soon to be discovered?
there’s trees, flowers, sunlight and cars, but
where do i stand at this very moment? there’s
no one to talk to, say my like abouts…
have i set myself in this place or am i just imagining
a place in time?
where i will end up if i don’t set things straight,
with myself, with anyone, with anybody, with
everyone? we listen through one ear and let
things flow out the other, but why do we not listen,
store it in a place where there is no escape, place to run,
but we don’t care to understand
the understood, right? or am i hearing it wrong…why
not listen when we can learn, why not pursue
when we can earn, right? or am i hearing it wrong…
Get your copy of the 826NYC Review, Issue No. 6 at the Brooklyn Superhero Supply Co. or online at superherosupplies.com.