1. How did you first get involved with 826NYC and why did you decide to intern?
I found out about 826NYC through my university’s partnership with 826 Valencia. While I love San Francisco, I wanted to move away from the Bay Area (for the first time in my life!), and something has always drawn me to New York. Spending my summer with 826NYC seemed like the perfect way to be involved with the 826 Network, which I was immediately excited about when researching Valencia, while also pushing myself to grow by moving alone to a new city.
2. What’s your favorite part of 826NYC?
I’ve loved meeting dozens of students (and volunteers) this summer who all seem to share a wild sense of imagination. My favorite moments have been working with students who are initially reluctant to participate but end up being a driving force for the story we’re writing. It really shows me that everyone can grow to love writing, but some students take more of a push than others. I’m also grateful for the relationships I’ve built with 826NYC staff, who have been more than willing to answer my questions about the nonprofit sector, helping me figure out if this is an area I want to work in after college!
3. What do you do when you’re not at 826NYC?
During the school year I’m a college student in Northern California, but this summer I’ve spent a lot of time exploring different parts of the city with friends. I’m an avid theater-goer and eater and have definitely taken advantage of the incredible arts and food this city has to offer.
4. What advice would you give a new volunteer?
Sometimes, it’s great to just listen to (and be entertained by) the kids’ stories. They are real people with hilarious ideas, and while helping them realize those ideas is valuable, it’s equally as valuable to be a guiding force only when they want one. Showing their ideas respect by listening without judgment can be just what they need to increase their confidence and excitement to write!
5. What are your superpowers?
My superpower is my ability to NEVER be bored–I can always entertain myself, always.
My facebook is Freya Forstall; my Instagram is @freyaforstall.