1. How did you first get involved with 826NYC and why did you decide to volunteer?
I think I discovered 826 shortly after discovering Dave Eggers, like 2005/6. And I fell in love with the concept and organization. There wasn’t a Boston branch for most of when I was in school nor when I was in Israel (obvs), but as soon as I moved to New York, I knew I had to sign up.
2. What’s your favorite part of volunteering at 826NYC?
Oh, that’s not fair…Make me pick just one. I guess the overall vibe. It’s fun, a beautiful spot with lots of passion for what we are doing and, like, laughter and stuff. Together that equals “cool vibe.”
3. What do you do when you’re not at 826NYC?
I’m a writer. I contribute regularly to MTV News, am working with a couple of media conglomerates to build a website encouraging people to vote and informing them of all the issues/candidates, am starting an online mag about the underground arts, and…Wrote a play, I guess.
4. What advice would you give to a new volunteer?
Have fun!
5. What are your superpowers?
Umm…I sweat a lot. Just kidding. I try to stay positive. I think that’s a superpower. And I give killer high fives what.