July Volunteer of the Month: Peter Hanington

News —— July 3, 2024

We’re excited to introduce you to our July Volunteer of the Month, Peter Hanington! Peter started volunteering with us at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year in our Write Together program, supporting classes from around NYC write a collaborative story. To learn more about Peter, read his answers below:

826NYC: How did you first get involved with 826NYC and why did you decide to volunteer?

Peter: I had read about 826NYC while living and working for the BBC in London and admired its work from afar. When we moved to New York to live for a couple of years it was always top of the to-do list to visit the store and if possible volunteer.

826NYC: What’s your favorite part of 826NYC?

Peter: I’ve loved all of the various writing programmes I’ve been involved in at 826NYC, but must admit that every time I get the chance to play Dr. Mildew I’m in a good mood for at least a week afterwards.

826NYC: What do you do when you’re not at 826NYC?

Peter: Me and my missus do quite a lot of other volunteering work in the city. When I’m not doing that, I write political thrillers.

826NYC: What advice would you give a new volunteer?

Peter: Get ready to be amazed, inspired, humbled and educated in equal measure by the young storytellers of NYC. And to laugh your socks off. Enjoy.

826NYC: What are your superpowers?

Peter: I have an ability to ride the New York Transit System with such skill that I frequently end up not just at the wrong stop but in the wrong borough. The superpower I’d like would be the ability to understand train and station announcements.

Want to support our students this summer? Sign up for a volunteer orientation today!