I woke up in the forest. A campfire nearby was crackling. Something wasn’t right . . . In the distance, I saw a shadow figure that was large and animal-like. It seemed to have bright red eyes that sent shivers down my spine. The figure started moving towards me and then it broke into a sprint. I started to run away without a second thought. I left everything I had behind and jumped over branches and rocks in the forest. The figure got closer and closer, slowly closing the distance between us. I slipped on a wet, loose rock and fell to the ground. Mud splattered all over my clothing. I saw all of the stars in the sky. I looked at the moon and noticed that it was a full moon. I tried to get back up and then a sharp pain went through my knee. I winced and sat back down. I heard a roar and saw the figure. It was more clear now. It had a lion’s head, A bear’s body, and a tiger’s fur. The animal leaped at me with its mouth open, and I accepted my fate.
Just before the animal devoured me, a spear whooshed by and stabbed the animal in the chest. The animal fell over and wailed while slowly fading away into the night sky. I felt relieved and heard footsteps behind me. I looked behind me and saw a large rock raised above my head. The rock dropped and I blacked out.
I woke up feeling a pain in my head. I moved my hand to the back of my head and felt a large bump. I definitely had a concussion. I heard footsteps outside. I hadn’t noticed that I was in a large tent and sleeping in a bed. I looked at the entrance of the tent and saw the zipper moving. I stiffened as I slowly saw the daylight come into my tent. Wait, this tent isn’t even mine. Whatever.
I saw a short creature come into the tent. I looked down towards it and noticed that it kind of looked like a stuffed animal. The creature had white skin and a white mane with slight evidence of yellow in some areas. It came up to me and said hello in a high-pitched voice. “Hi,” I said.
“What is your name?” the creature said.
“My name is Michael. What’s yours?” I asked.
“Mine?” It asked.”My name is Wy, I am the leader of the Wyon tribe. I am here to bring you on a quest,” Wy said.
I thought about the idea of going on a quest. “Fine then, let’s go on this quest.”
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