It was a very sunny day and a villager was chillin’. But suddenly he heard a “Moo!” and then a thud. He went outside to see what was happening. “Hey! What the heck is going on!” When he turned around he could not believe his eyes!
A giant monster with a mild carton for a head and cardboard boxes for a body!
“OH NO! He’s trying to steal our cows! I have to do something about this!” the Villager said to the craft monster and punched him. The Monster noticed and threw the villager far away!
Leaving a huge dent in the ground, the Villager woke up. He was dizzy and weak. He saw a quart bottle full of milk. “Milk flood battle? OH NO! I’m lactose intolerant!” He looked around and saw a cookie factory. He walked into it and he saw a scientist. “Uhm, Hi.”
“Hmm? Who are you? And what are you doing here?”
The Villager told him what happened. “Oh. I can help you build a wall and maybe a cookie Titan too.”
“OK but please be quick!” The Villager and the scientist got to work.
“I present to you . . . the Bakeonator 3000! He’ll help us build our cookie wall!” said the scientist.
“Ok . . . but how are we gonna build the wall?” said the Villager.
“Oh! With that gigantic batter bowl over there!”
The scientist, the Villager, and the Bakeonator 3000 got to work! After about two to three hours, the dream team finished their wall and they were ready to fight. When they got to the village, they were prepared for back-up just in case.
The Bakonator starts attacking. But the Monster was prepared. This time, instead of shooting tape, it shot milk! The Bakeonator was blasted across the village! It was up to the scientist and the Villager. The Villager remembered the cookie wall. He took a cookie out and asked the Monster “Hey! You want a cookie?” The Monster nodded its head yes and grabbed the cookie. After trying it . . . the monster liked it! The damage was done. The monster stopped attacking and sent the Milk to Mars. The Bakeonator was the new leader of the Village. And the Village was never attacked ever again!
The End. Yay!
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