Bunny Hunting Bunny Saving
Anna P. ----- Age 10
From the publication
"Multicolor Palette In The Sky"
This is Emily! She is a normal girl. She goes to school. She comes back. Does her homework. At night, she stares at the wall and waits until midnight because she has a secret. She has a pet bunny and she sneaks out to play with him. But once she saw a car that she thought was familiar. The next day, she looked it up and they brand-test things on bunnies that were stolen.
The next night, she was not in her pajamas, not in bed, and not outside. She was in front of the door in her black outfit. Rule 97: “Don’t leave the house with no permission,” she whispered. She is a rule follower, but she said to herself, “It’s for the good,” and walked outside of the door. She followed the car and saw the building . . .“Bunny hour.”
“What did I do?” she said. She took a paperclip and picked a door. She kept on thinking, “What did I do? Why did I do this? Who did I turn into?” and POW, the lock opened! She saw all the bunnies. She took a nearby shopping cart and tried to pick its lock. She did not think about all the lives she was saving!
When the lock opened, she put the bunnies in the shopping cart and took them home. Now she is a normal girl who has 100 bunnies! And a happy family.
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