January Author of the Month: Natalie M.

News —— January 2, 2025

We’re excited to introduce you to our January Author of the Month, Natalie!

What is your favorite thing you’ve written recently? Tell us a bit about it!

My story about Rainbow, “Happy and Mad”. My favorite parts are when the main character, Rainbow, solves the problem and how she was brave enough to go into the attic, because it was scary and dark.

What are three words you would use to describe 826NYC?

Reading, writing, and fun!

If someone was considering joining 826NYC, what would you tell them?

I would tell them it’s fun, there’s reading programs, writing programs, and it could help you think more. 

What advice would you give someone writing for the first time?

To make it more exciting, to add more details, and talk about the characters, what’s their problem, what the character looks like.

Read Natalie’s story “Happy and Mad” here, and discover opportunities for the young writers in your life with our upcoming programs!