A scaly snout peeked out from behind a tree. A red leaf twirled down, and the little dragonet reached out and picked it up. Melon looked at it.
“Prospect Park is so beautiful,” she murmured to herself.
Suddenly, she heard footsteps coming towards her. She dove into the nearest trash can, and used her fire to burn two little eye holes in it. The melted metal dripped down onto her talons, but she gritted her teeth and kept quiet. The footsteps came closer and . . . a familiar head with curly brown hair looked down into the trash can.
“Melon, I know you’re there. It’s just me.”
Melon flew out of the trash can into the girl’s arms. “Raven!” she squeaked.
Raven laughed. “You’re so silly. I have our costumes!”
She picked up a little witch hat and broom and held it out. The dragonet pressed her cold snout into Raven’s chest.
“I’m still worried about it.”
“I know you are, but everyone’s really nice, and I’ll be here to protect you if anything does happen. It’ll be fun, Melon! You can’t miss out on this. It’s my favorite holiday, and I want to spend it with you.”
She shoved the pink and silver hat over the dragonet’s moss-green head, and handed her the broom. Then she put on her own midnight blue and gold hat. The scent of pumpkin pasties and lollipops wafted through the clear night air, and Melon started to grin. Raven picked up her broom and lifted it above her head.
“Let’s go trick or treating!”
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