August Volunteer of the Month: Huntly Cooper

News —— August 2, 2024

We’re excited to introduce you to our August Volunteer of the Month, Huntly Cooper! Huntly started volunteering with us during the 2023-2024 school year in our Write Together program, supporting classes from around NYC write a collaborative story. To learn more about Huntly, read her answers below:

826NYC: How did you first get involved with 826NYC and why did you decide to volunteer?

Huntly: I heard about 826 and its many chapters online and, lo and behold, discovered 826NYC had been serving my local community here in Brooklyn all along! I knew it was a sign to jump right in with some in-person Write Together Field Trips. I loved that 826 was teaching students to be proud of their creative voice, and reminding them that other folks are excited to hear all of their ideas.

826NYC: What’s your favorite part of 826NYC?

Huntly: One of my favorite moments during Field Trips is when I get to watch students’ faces light up as they realize their work will be printed, published, and sent home with them to share with family and friends! They really feel like they have made a creative product of their own and are proud of it. As a former quiet-student myself, I also love when I see quieter kids’ ideas start flowing out onto page after page during individual work time – and they usually love to share it with you one-on-one!

826NYC: What do you do when you’re not at 826NYC?

Huntly: When I am not at 826 I love to be cooking in the evenings, attempting to learn new languages (Swedish next!), and playing a vast array of video games from Stardew Valley to Baldur’s Gate 3.

826NYC: What advice would you give a new volunteer?

Huntly: Even if you’re not a familiar face yet, just be a friendly one! Most students warm up quickly (even during field trips!) and are so excited to have attentive ears listening to their ideas and stories from the day. A smile when they’re not sure who is still paying attention to them goes a long way!

826NYC: What are your superpowers?

Huntly: Apparently I know a lot more about video games and TV-series than the students expect! I love to surprise them with a character name-drop or random reference. Minecraft is a huge hit. 


Want to support our students this summer? Sign up for a volunteer orientation today!