On Saturday May 14, Owen and the X-Tiles will be playing in Scrabble for Cheaters and cheating for the children because The Truth is Out There (probably in a book). Help him supplement find The Truth with some good old fashioned cheating by raising money for his team and 826NYC here, or take him and all others on by forming your own team here! Owen answered a few questions for us:
How did you first here about 826NYC?
I think I read about John Hodgman hosting Trivia Night for Cheaters.
What was it about 826NYC and the work we do that made you want to get involved?
After reading about Trivia Night for Cheaters, I did a little more research about 826. I was really impressed with all the programming and decided to compete in last year’s Scrabble for Cheaters event (I am much better at Scrabble than trivia). I was really blown away by the Secret Library space and palpable joy that students, volunteers, and the 826 staff must feel there. I signed up to be a volunteer a week after last year’s tournament. It is worth signing up for Scrabble for Cheaters just to see the Secret Library.
Be Honest – are you in it for the Scrabble, the children, or the cheating?
This is a sincere toss up between the children and the Scrabble.
If you could play any word in Scrabble, real or fictional, what would it be, and why? (And remember, if you raise enough money, you can!)
I’m always impressed with 9 letter or more words–you only have seven tiles on your rack so you have to use an existing word that has been played already. I’d really like to play a word like vernacular, but that one is only possible if someone plays ar, er, or lar first.
Thanks for answering our questions, Owen! And if anyone wants to help Owen play “vernacular,” donate to his team here. Or you can sign up here!